Our Impact


All of our students have been accepted into a four-year college

We know it's access, not ability, that limits college opportunities for low-income students.  Minds Matter equips high school students with the tools to gain acceptance to and graduate from their best-fit, four-year university by providing critical resources - including mentoring, tutoring, ACT test preparation, summer academic programs, and scholarship application assistance - to ensure both college access and success. We introduce students to a world of opportunity outside their neighborhoods and comfort zones. Minds Matter believes that no student dedicated to earning a college education should be limited by socioeconomic status.

Our Students

    • 63% of our students are admitted to Barron's Most, Highly, or Very Competitive schools.


    • Our students have a minimum 3.5 GPA.


    • Through participation in our program, students see a 45 percentile point average increase in ACT score.


Our students are sophomores, juniors, and seniors from over 15 high schools in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, and inner-ring suburbs.